Greetings - please note my new business website is

My phone number is the same 707-843-1415

 I will soon be changing this site to showcase my encaustic paintings. 


Thank you, Jessica Morell




The RISE workshop is designed for young women entering puberty. In a comprehensive, nurturing and informative environment, girls are introduced to an overview of the anatomy of their reproductive systems. The class continues with an in-depth explanation of menses and the physical, emotional and psychological changes girls may be feeling at this important time in their lives. The RISE workshop is designed to be an alternative to the traditional ‘sex-ed’ class given in public schools around the 6th grade. The RISE workshop strives to teach girls to celebrate their bodies and selves with a self-respecting approach based in information. The workshop embraces the idea that a young women’s changing self and emerging sexuality are deeply tied to her growing spirituality and personhood. The class includes a question and answer forum and culminates in a creative arts session; wherein the girls compose a beautiful, self-expressive full size spirit portrait. Workshops are held at various locations. Scholarships are available if needed.


Testimonials From Parents:

“My twin girls were curious, but a bit hesitant and shy about participating in the workshop.  What a difference when I came to pick them up!  They were bubbling with excitement and enthusiasm about the world they had explored with Jessica and each couldn't wait to show and describe their full body spirit portraits, the 3D anatomic representation of the reproductive system, the pads, tampons and diva cup, and just everything they had learned and talked about.  The conversation about the workshop went on for a few days!  Though I'm glad they enjoyed themselves, most importantly to me the workshop opened up both of my girls to the beauty of what is happening in their bodies.” Angela, mom to Grace & Ruby 

"Jessica Morell is a compassionate, committed and intelligent teacher and mentor whose rich, intuitive sense invites and guides each child to wider her horizons and to take pride in stepping into new developmental phases.  Jessica's style and approach is enlivening, joyful and empowering -- always respecting the integrity of the child while supporting and celebrating her emerging and deepening sensibilities." Jane, mother to Amri 

 …”My daughter has been anxious and uncommunicative around her coming period and related body changes.  I signed her up for Jessica’s class and almost had to drag her there.  What a miracle!  I came back four hours later to a curious, excited and informed child who proudly showed me her spirit portrait and talked forthrightly about her body/menstruation/tampons, et al.  Thank you Jessica for doing this work with such integrity, intelligence and above all else, FUN!” Barbara, mom to Zoe